IDF targets terrorists in Gaza Strip

IDF targets terrorists in Gaza Strip


    (Communicated by Israeli security sources)

    Last night the IDF carried out three aerial attacks in the Gaza Strip, targeting terror operatives and infrastructure:

    • An Islamic Jihad terror cell in Khan Yunis which was planning a suicide bombing.
    • An Islamic Jihad terror cell in Al Mughazi planning attacks against Israel.
    • An Islamic Jihad weapons storage facility in Al Mughazi.

    Background information
    The Khan Yunis cell

    Ziyad Shahker Diab Rannem, a 38 year-old resident of Rafah, was a senior Islamic Jihad terror operative involved in terror activity against Israel since 2002. In the past years Ziyad Rannem served as deputy commander of a terrorist infrastructure in Rafah and Khan Yunis.

    In May 2004 he planned and took part in the shooting attack on the Kissufim road in which a pregnant woman and her four daughters were murdered and three other civilians were injured.

    In January 2005 he directed a combined bombing and shooting attack on an IDF vehicle patrolling the greenhouses of the community of Morag, in which one civilian was killed and three soldiers were injured.

    In January 2005 he directed a shooting attack at Kissufim in which an IDF officer was injured.

    Ziyad Rannem was recently involved in directing further attacks against Israeli civilians and IDF forces.

    Ra'ed Fuad Shahker Rannem, a 21 year-old resident of Rafah, was an Islamic Jihad terror operative involved in terror attacks against Israel since 2005. Ra'ed Rannem was a weapons production expert and provided weaponry for attacks against Israeli civilians and IDF forces, constructing Qassam rockets and bombs. He was also involved in rocket launchings and shooting attacks in Israeli communities. He was recently preparing weaponry for additional attacks.

    Muhammad Anuar Hammis Ra'i, a 21 year-old resident of Rafah, was a senior Islamic Jihad terror operative who planned and executed attacks against Israeli civilians and IDF forces, including rocket launchings and attacks near the Gaza Strip security fence.

    In May 2004, Ra'i placed the roadside bomb detonated against an IDF APC operating in the Philadelphi corridor, and also fired an RPG at it during the attack. Five soldiers were killed in the attack and five others were injured.

    Ra'i was recently involved with Ziyad Rannem in planning suicide bombings against Israeli communities and IDF forces in the Gaza area.

    The Al Mughazi cell

    Salah Abed Al Hafez Ahmad Kofa, a 45 year-old resident of Al Mughazi, was a senior Islamic Jihad terror operative involved in many attacks since 2001 and was a major force in the organization's weapon production efforts.

    Salah was involved in the attack at the Kissufim crossing on June 9th 2007, in which a vehicle emblazoned with the "TV" and "Press" signs was used to infiltrate Israel and gunmen exchanged fire with IDF forces for several hours before one of them was killed.

    In March 2004 he was involved in a terror attack at the Erez crossing in which gunmen in two cars camouflaged as IDF vehicles arrived at the Erez crossing and opened fire at Israeli forces. Two Palestinians were killed in the attack and eight were injured. Salah Kofa prepared the vehicles used in the attack.

    Kofa was recently involved in attacks against IDF forces in the Gaza Strip security fence area.